Home News Texas Frisco, Texas teen wants to inspire others to protect Earth

Frisco, Texas teen wants to inspire others to protect Earth

Frisco, Texas teen wants to inspire others to protect Earth


Saanvi Mylavarapu has been to greater than 25 nationwide parks and says it is modified her viewpoint of the sector.

FRISCO, Texas — Only 16 years outdated, Saanvi Mylavarapu, of Frisco, doesn’t precisely know what she wants to be as an grownup, however she does know the place she wants to be.

“I always want to keep exploring, and enjoying, and learning from nature for my entire life,” she mentioned. 

Mylavarapu’s obsession with the outside started 10 years in the past when her mother took the circle of relatives on a go back and forth to Mammoth Cave National Park in Kentucky.

Mylavarapu and her mother cherished it such a lot, just about each circle of relatives holiday since then has been to a countrywide park. 

“Her passion has really grown into me, and I really think it’s keeping me going,” mentioned Mylavarapu. 

Mylavarapu has visited Zion and the Arches in Utah, Mount Rainier in Washington State. At age 10, she finished one of the crucial unhealthy hikes within the nation, Half Dome at Yosemite

“That feeling was probably one of the best feelings in my entire life,” she mentioned. “I don’t think I could get that feeling in any other kind of way other than hiking.”

In all, Mylavarapu has visited greater than 25 nationwide parks and has gathered junior ranger badges at just about each one.

She spends numerous time at native parks too, together with Ray Roberts Lake State Park. She spends such a lot time there, she’s on a primary identify foundation with park rangers.

“I’ll text them and say, ‘Hey, I’m coming over today,’” mentioned Mylavarapu. 

Last yr, on the other hand, she took her love of nature to new heights through achieving Mount Everest’s base camp. 

Eventually, she wants to climb the absolute best height on each continent.

It’s been slightly the journey, however Mylavarapu mentioned all this exploring has had a profound impact.

“I’m so much more aware of the actions that I have upon the Earth, because I’m so much more closer to nature,” she mentioned.

More than any non-public fulfillment, Mylavarapu wants others to treasure the glorious planet we name house and do the whole lot conceivable to protect it.

That’s why she began a membership at her highschool known as Young Roots, encouraging her group to deal with the surroundings.

More importantly, she wants them to get out anywhere conceivable and up to conceivable and understand the present that awaits.

“The way they look at life and the way they look at nature and the way they look at their actions on the planet can change so much if they just spend some time outdoors,” Mylavarapu mentioned.

That’s as a result of if you enjoy the wonderful thing about the sector round you, taking good care of it is just herbal.


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