Home News Florida Florida teen collects toys for children in hospital

Florida teen collects toys for children in hospital

Florida teen collects toys for children in hospital


A Florida teenager is spreading vacation cheer by bringing toys to children in the hospital.

Teddy Pentz, from Lake County, might be bringing 240 toys to Arnold Palmer Children’s Hospital Friday. As a part of a corporation the 14-year-old began, Teddy’s Giant Heart Project, he and his mother collected the toys utilizing social media.

“It’s one of the best things I could know, that I’m made someone’s Christmas,” stated Teddy Pentz. 

“We were hoping for 100 toys, and it just blew up. With 240 toys later, we have an SUV packed ready to go,” added his mother Krista Pentz. “It’s really heartwarming to do something for others and Teddy choosing the children’s hospital was a great way for us to show we want to pay it forward, and it makes me proud.”

In this season of giving, Teddy hopes to encourage others to pay it ahead. 

“Everyone’s joy when I surprise them. It’s worthwhile,” stated Teddy Pentz. “However old you are 90 or 14 you can still do good and that’s the most important thing.”



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