Home News Florida Florida Tech, Blazing Trails, Northrop Grumman and Larsen Motorsports Collaborate On Biofuel...

Florida Tech, Blazing Trails, Northrop Grumman and Larsen Motorsports Collaborate On Biofuel Project

Florida Tech, Blazing Trails, Northrop Grumman and Larsen Motorsports Collaborate On Biofuel Project

analysis alternative for Florida Tech college students interning at LMS

Blazing Trails, in partnership with Northrop Grumman, Larsen Motorsports, and Florida Tech is in Phase 1 of a Biofuel Project involving the usage of biofuels in gasoline turbine combustion engines. (LMS picture)

BREVARD COUNTY • MELBOURNE, FLORIDA – Blazing Trails, in partnership with Northrop Grumman, Larsen Motorsports, and Florida Tech is in Phase 1 of a Biofuel Project involving the usage of biofuels in gasoline turbine combustion engines.

Phase 1 is called the Biofuel Additive Manufacturing Material Compatibility Research. Support from Northrop Grumman Corporation has allowed this venture to progress past a hopeful excellent right into a full analysis venture involving Florida Tech Students and LMS workers.

As biofuels turn out to be extra prevalent and lifelike to make use of within the inner gasoline turbine and aerospace industries, an answer for the gaskets contained in the engines and equipment must be discovered.

The aim of this venture is to find out a low-cost answer to changing gaskets in gasoline turbine engines that may make the most of Biofuels.

The method is to take a low price off-the-shelf 3D printer and check most of the accessible materials’s compatibility with Biofuel in comparison with Jet Fuel in a static soak check.

January 10, 2022, commenced the official begin of the Phase 1 venture. Phase 1 has a period of 4 months. The Team Lead of Phase 1 of the Biofuel venture is a Florida Tech Chemical Engineering scholar, Deuce LaDuke.

Deuce started with course of creation for printing materials samples, testing the samples, and analyzing the outcomes. Throughout the whole venture, the Team will doc procedures, analysis, and challenges confronted.

There are seven check items being analyzed inside this venture, all of which have been printed in-house on the Blazing Trails headquarters, inside LMS.

The check items endured a month-long soaking course of, in numerous mixtures of biofuel from 0% biofuel incrementally to 100% biofuel. Documentation and measurements of check items happen weekly all through the soaking course of. (LMS picture)

The check items endured a month-long soaking course of, in numerous mixtures of biofuel from 0% biofuel incrementally to 100% biofuel. Documentation and measurements of check items happen weekly all through the soaking course of.

As of April 22, 2022, the venture has reached the conclusion of its testing stage and is now within the remaining phases of study and reporting.

Blazing Trails, in partnership with Northrop Grumman Corporation, has efficiently offered a analysis alternative for Florida Tech college students interning at LMS.

This analysis venture immediately applies to sustainability efforts being made by LMS and others within the gasoline turbine trade.

Blazing Trails strives to proceed its work with sustainable biofuels all through the remaining Phases of this biofuel venture. The way forward for inner combustion engines is altering, and Blazing Trails is completely getting ready for these adjustments.

Blazing Trails is doing so by partnering with corporations like Northrop Grumman, Siemens, and Florida Tech to assist practice the brand new technology on the progressive applied sciences that may energy the longer term.


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