Home News Florida Florida man sentenced 25 years for recording child sex abuse

Florida man sentenced 25 years for recording child sex abuse


A pass judgement on’s gavel is proven in a record picture. (Credit: iStock / Getty Images Plus)

PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) – A Florida man who recorded himself sexually abusing a 13-year-old child he met on social media in 2017 was once sentenced to 25 years in federal jail Wednesday.

Court information state that during October 2017, 39-year-old Michael Wayne Lyon began exchanging messages with the 13-year-old child whilst claiming to be 15 years outdated and sooner or later “confessing” to being 17.

Lyon satisfied the child to ship him bare pictures and private information together with the child’s telephone quantity, cope with and identify of members of the family.

When Lyon admitted to being in his 30s, the child tried to stop communique. Despite that, Lyon stored in touch till he traveled in March 2018 to the Pacific Northwest – the place he rented a automotive in Seattle and traveled to Oregon.

The child agreed to fulfill with Lyon out of concern for circle of relatives protection. 

Lyon took the child to a resort, the place he recorded himself abusing the child. He later shared the video with a number of of the child’s pals on-line.

After the assembly, Lyon endured contacting the child from 2018 thru 2022. Despite the child’s makes an attempt to dam him, he created a couple of social media accounts to regain touch. 

Lyon’s messages larger in danger till he threatened to kill the child and the child’s circle of relatives in October 2020 – and then the child’s mom reported Lyon to the FBI.

Lyon was once charged through federal prison grievance Dec. 11, 2020. Nine days later, he was once arrested and became over to the FBI in (*25*), Pennsylvania.

Feb 2022, Lyon was once indicted through a federal grand jury in Portland. On Aug. 11, 2022, he was once convicted at trial. Lyon, who will have to sign up as a sex wrongdoer for existence, is sentenced to 25 years in federal jail and 10 years supervised unencumber.


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