Home News Florida Florida Congressional delegation split along partisan lines over FBI search

Florida Congressional delegation split along partisan lines over FBI search

Florida Congressional delegation split along partisan lines over FBI search


TAMPA, Fla. — The partisan divide over the FBI search of former President Donald Trump’s house in Florida was on full show on Twitter.

In the hours after the search grew to become public, almost all GOP members of the Florida delegation got here out forcefully in opposition to the FBI and DOJ, attacking the regulation enforcement companies. On the opposite aspect, almost all Democratic members of the Florida delegation have not talked about the search on Twitter.

Here’s how every U.S. Representative and Senator in Florida responded to the FBI’s raid.

Senator Marco Rubio (R)

Senator Rick Scott (R)

District 1 Representative Matt Gaetz (R)

District 2 Representative Neal Dunn (R)

District 3 Representative Kat Cammack (R)

District 4 Representative John Rutherford (R)

District 5 Representative Al Lawson, Jr. (D)
(No Tweet in regards to the FBI search)

District 6 Representative Michael Waltz (R)

District 7 Representative Stephanie Murphy (D)
(No Tweets in regards to the FBI search)

District 8 Representative Bill Posey (R)
(No Tweets in regards to the FBI search)

District 9 Representative Darren Soto (D)

District 10 Representative Val Demings (D)
(No Tweet on the FBI search)

District 11 Representative Daniel Webster (R)

District 12 Representative Gus Bilirakis (R)
(No Tweets on the FBI search)

District 13 Representative Charlie Crist (D)

Florida District 14 Representative Kathy Castor (D)
(No Tweet on the FBI search)

Florida District 15 Representative Scott Franklin (R)
(No Tweet on the FBI search)

Florida District 16 Representative Vern Buchanan (R)

District 17 Representative Gregory Steube (R)

District 18 Representative Brian Mast (R)

District 19 Representative Byron Donalds (R)

District 20 Representative Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick (D)
(No Tweet on the FBI search)

District 21 Representative Lois Frankel (D)
(No Tweet on the FBI search)

District 22 Representative Ted Deutch (D)
(No Tweet on the FBI search)

District 23 Representative Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D)
(No Tweet on the FBI search)

District 24 Representative Frederica Wilson (D)
(No Tweet on the FBI search)

District 25 Representative Mario Diaz-Balart (R)
(No Tweet on the FBI search)

District 26 Representative Carlos Gimenez (R)

District 27 Representative Maria Elvira Salazar (R)
(No Tweet on the FBI search)


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