Home News Florida FBI charges Franklin County sheriff’s official

FBI charges Franklin County sheriff’s official

FBI charges Franklin County sheriff’s official


The Franklin County Sheriff’s Office’s second-in-command was once arrested in Florida this week after a witness reported he made beside the point bodily touch with a kid whilst on a cruise, in step with federal court docket data.

Maj. Justin D. Sigmon was once charged Monday with making abusive sexual touch with a minor below the age of 12. A felony criticism filed in U.S. District Court within the Southern District of Florida main points the incident that ended in the arrest.

Franklin County Sheriff Bill Overton declined to remark at the rate on Friday night time. Sigmon’s employment standing was once unclear in consequence.

Sigmon boarded a cruise send May 25 in Miami-Dade County, Florida. The subsequent day, Sigmon was once sitting in a eating room space “when a good Samaritan […] observed Sigmon” fondling a lady sitting in his lap, in step with a testimony filed by way of an FBI agent.

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A witness stated she noticed Sigmon contact the lady’s internal and higher thighs and began to file the incident, which was once additionally captured on send surveillance cameras. The criticism says that the kid driven his palms away and crossed her legs, then were given off his lap and sat in her personal chair.

“Immediately after [the girl] got off his lap, Sigmon placed both of his hands over his crotch area for an extended period of time, concealing the area from public view,” the criticism continues.

A forensic interviewer later spoke with the kid, who stated Sigmon most effective touched spaces of her legs beneath her knees and didn’t contact her beneath her clothes.

“The recordings directly refute [the girl’s] rendition of events,” the criticism reads.

Sigmon was once additionally interviewed by way of legislation enforcement and advised them that “he understood that the touching could be perceived as ‘inappropriate,’ but claimed that it was not intended to be ‘sexual,’” the criticism continues.

“Sigmon also stated that he was covering his crotch immediately following the touching because he was ‘cold,’ and denied being aroused by the incident.”

The FBI particular agent discovered that there was once possible purpose to rate Sigmon with abusive sexual touch of a minor below 12. Records point out he was once charged when the cruise send docked in Florida on Monday.

Staff creator Jason Dunovant contributed to this record.

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