Home News Florida Family buries slain Florida reporter Dylan Lyons — The Desk

Family buries slain Florida reporter Dylan Lyons — The Desk


Dylan Lyons appears in a promotional photograph for Charter's Spectrum News 13 in Orlando, Florida. (Photo courtesy Charter/Spectrum News, Graphic by The Desk)
Dylan Lyons seems in a promotional {photograph} for Charter’s Spectrum News 13 in Orlando, Florida. (Photo courtesy Charter/Spectrum News, Graphic by way of The Desk)

A Florida reporter who was once shot and killed whilst on task ultimate month has been laid to leisure, his circle of relatives showed in a observation posted on-line this week.

The circle of relatives of Spectrum News reporter Dylan Lyons buried his frame all the way through a personal rite held over the weekend. The announcement was once made on a GoFundMe web page that sought donations to assist duvet the bills related along with his funeral.

“I hope none of you ever have to bury a child,” Gary Lyons, Dylan’s father, stated in a observation. “Dylan is my only son and I always told him that [that], when I am gone, I need him to take care of the family matters and to take care of everybody. He always promised me he would do so. I am so proud of my son.”

Lyons was once protecting a violent crime in Orlando’s Park Hills group ultimate month when he was once approached by way of a gunman and fatally shot. Jesse Walden, a photographer assigned to Lyons for the day, was once severely injured within the taking pictures; he was once hospitalized for remedy and launched a couple of days later.

The suspected gunman later shot a lady and her 9-year-old lady. The kid, T’Yonna Major, died from her accidents. The gunman was once later arrested by way of police and known as a suspect within the previous taking pictures that Lyons and Walden had been protecting that day.

After the taking pictures, masses of folks commemorated Lyons by way of donating to a GoFundMe web page introduced to assist his circle of relatives with funeral bills. The donors incorporated the house owners of tv stations that compete with Spectrum News within the Orlando Market. Fox Television Stations, Cox Media Group and Gray Television each and every donated $5,000 to his funeral fundraiser.

As of Tuesday night time, the quantity amassed throughout the fundraiser exceeded $79,000. Lyons’ father is anticipated to obtain the cash at a later date. A separate fundraiser introduced to help the circle of relatives of the slain kid has raised just about $67,000.

Spectrum News is a part of the Spectrum TV logo and is owned by way of Charter Communications.


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