Home News California Extremely rare all-white dolphin ‘Casper’ spotted off Monterey Bay coast

Extremely rare all-white dolphin ‘Casper’ spotted off Monterey Bay coast

Extremely rare all-white dolphin ‘Casper’ spotted off Monterey Bay coast


Sunday, June 4, 2023 4:37AM

MONTEREY BAY, Calif. (KABC) — A whale observing team just lately were given a distinct deal with when a rare, all-white risso’s dolphin made an look close to their boat.

The gorgeous dolphin, who they nicknamed “Casper,” is both albino or leucstic, each stipulations that reason a discount within the pigment in their colour.

There are handiest 3 recognized all-white risso’s dolphins in all of the global.

A risso’s dolphin is a species of dolphin incessantly noticed round Monterey Bay, and is prominent by means of its round face.

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