Home News Oklahoma EPIC! MSNBC Chris Hayes did a Fox News crime ad on Oklahoma...

EPIC! MSNBC Chris Hayes did a Fox News crime ad on Oklahoma crime like Fox does on the Blue States.

EPIC! MSNBC Chris Hayes did a Fox News crime ad on Oklahoma crime like Fox does on the Blue States.

MSNBC Chris Hayes did a masterful job at displaying that Republican crime assaults on Democrats and the Blue States are a farce. He did to Oklahoma what Fox News do to the Blue States.

Chris Hayes did a nice crime ad.

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Many Progressives have been screaming and hoping that Democrats would have interaction on crime. Republicans have been cleansing the Democrats’ clocks on the difficulty. The factor is, Republicans are largely accountable for the improve in crime, particularly gun crimes. We’ve been seeding the web with tales that time this out. Following are a few examples of our articles.

Chris did a nice job in displaying the knowledge that reveals that Republican States are way more crime-ridden than Democratic States. More importantly, he confirmed how one might make adverts that make Oklahoma appear like a violent hell gap utilizing their very own native news clips. In impact, he did to Oklahoma what Fox News does to the Blue States.

Chris understands that it takes greater than being analytical. One has obtained to achieve individuals the place they’re. And along with his ad that mimics what Fox News does ad nauseam, I believe he was profitable. Check out the clip.

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