Home News Oklahoma Drag show at Nevada’s Nellis Air Force Base canceled by Pentagon

Drag show at Nevada’s Nellis Air Force Base canceled by Pentagon

Drag show at Nevada’s Nellis Air Force Base canceled by Pentagon

The Pentagon knowledgeable Nevada’s Nellis Air Force Base {that a} in the past authorized drag show slated to happen at the base at the first day of Pride Month may just now not happen as it was once now not in keeping with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s fresh feedback, in step with two protection officers.

The drag efficiency would were held at the Officer’s Club at southern Nevada’s Nellis Air Force Base on Thursday, June 1, and were authorized by base commanders, simply because it were over the former two years.

Base criminal officials and commanders had decided that the development was once in keeping with DOD coverage and no division investment can be used for the development, in step with the professional who spoke to ABC News.

The resolution on internet hosting such presentations is most often left within the arms of native commanders who observe steerage from army lawyers, however Nellis officers had been informed previous his week by the Defense Department that Thursday’s match was once now not in step with Austin’s fresh feedback to Congress and that it will have to be canceled or relocated off base, a protection professional informed ABC News.

“Consistent with Secretary Austin’s congressional testimony, the Air Force will not host drag events at its installations or facilities,” mentioned Ann Stefanek, a U.S. Air Force spokesperson. “Commanders have been directed to either cancel or relocate these events to an off-base location.”

Military services and products had been knowledgeable this week of the clarified steerage that most effective applies to tug presentations hung on army bases, some other protection professional showed.

Nellis Air Force Base in Las Vegas.

Las Vegas Review Journal/TNS/Getty Images, FILE

Other LGTBQ+ occasions scheduled to happen at army bases throughout Pride Month is probably not impacted by the brand new directive.

“Per DoD Joint Ethics Regulation (JER), certain criteria must be met for persons or organizations acting in non-Federal capacity to use DoD facilities and equipment,” Sabrina Singh, the Pentagon’s deputy press secretary, mentioned in a commentary.

“As Secretary Austin has said, the DOD will not host drag events at U.S. military installations or facilities,” mentioned Singh. “Hosting these types of events in federally funded facilities is inconsistent with regulations regarding the use of DoD resources.”

Singh defined this isn’t a transformation in division coverage.

“The Secretary has said DoD will not host drag events at U.S. military installations or facilities, consistent with long-standing policy,” she mentioned.

“We are proud to serve alongside any and every young American who takes the oath that puts their life on the line in defense of our country,” she added. “Service members and their families are often involved in a host of special interest activities related to their personal hobbies, beliefs, and backgrounds.”

The Human Rights Campaign, an LGBTQ advocacy staff, blasted the reversal as “sid[ing] with the politics of fear and discrimination peddled by extreme members of Congress.”

“For decades, our community has fought for our right to exist without shame or exception, yet [Austin’s] decision to ban an event that has happened in prior years reinforces false tropes about LGBTQ+ culture. At a time when we are under attack, the Pentagon is ceding to extremist forces focused on taking away our rights — leaders responsible for national defense ought to do better. Our people deserve better, the United States military deserves better, and all Americans deserve better,” HRC President Kelley Robinson mentioned.

In overdue March, each Austin and Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, expressed reservations about DOD amenities internet hosting drag presentations when wondered in regards to the subject by Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla.

“Drag shows are not something that the Department of Defense supports or funds,” Austin mentioned based on a query from Gaetz.

Milley mentioned he was once ignorant of the congressman’s reference to tug presentations happening at Ramstein Air Base in Germany and Nellis and requested for extra information “because I’d like to take a look at those myself actually — take a look and find out what actually is going on there.”

“I’d like to take a look at those because I don’t agree with those,” he mentioned. “I think those things shouldn’t be happening.”

Gaetz applauded the cancelation of the deliberate Nellis drag show.

“HUGE VICTORY: The Department of Defense has CANCELED a scheduled “child-friendly” drag show after I demanded answers from @SecDef Austin and General Milley! Drag shows should not be taking place on military installations with taxpayer dollars PERIOD!” he tweeted Wednesday night time.

Austin issued a commentary Thursday celebrating the beginning of Pride Month and the contributions of LGBTQ+ provider contributors.

“As Secretary of Defense, I remain dedicated to making sure that our LGBTQ+ personnel across the Joint Force can continue to serve the country that we all love with dignity and pride—this month and every other one. We thank you for your service—and we thank your spouses and your families, whose support makes your service possible,” mentioned Austin.

ABC News’ Nate Luna contributed to this file.

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