Home News Florida DOJ investigating Trump for possibly violating at least 3 criminal statutes

DOJ investigating Trump for possibly violating at least 3 criminal statutes

DOJ investigating Trump for possibly violating at least 3 criminal statutes


PALM BEACH, Fla. — A choose has launched the warrant and stock from the search executed at former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago property.

The submitting, which incorporates two attachments (“Attachment A” and “Attachment B”) signifies that the Justice Department, in its search of the Mar-a-Lago property, is investigating potential violations of at least three separate criminal statutes, together with a statute below the Espionage Act.

Attachment B states that the property to be seized by brokers consists of “all physical documents and records constituting evidence, contraband, fruits of crime or other items illegally possessed” in violation of 18 USC 793, a statute below the Espionage Act involving the gathering, transmitting or lack of protection information; 18 USC 2071, which entails any federal authorities worker who, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies or destroys public data; and 18 USC 1519, obstruction of justice.


Under the receipt displaying property that was seized from Trump’s property, brokers word they recovered 11 units of paperwork of assorted classifications starting from confidential to high secret and delicate compartmented information.

The receipt identifies one set referring to “various classified/TS/SCI documents,” 4 units of high secret paperwork, three units of secret paperwork, and three units of paperwork described as confidential. It seems that there have been 21 containers taken.

Other gadgets included within the receipt embody one labeled “Info re: President of France,” an govt grant of clemency for Trump ally Roger Stone, binders of photographs, a “potential presidential record” and a leather-bound field of paperwork.

Trump spokesman Taylor Budowich stated, “The Biden administration is in obvious damage control after their botched raid where they seized the President’s picture books, a ‘hand written (sic) note,’ and declassified documents. This raid of President Trump’s home was not just unprecedented, but unnecessary—and now they are leaking lies and innuendos to try to explain away the weaponization of government against their dominant political opponent.”

Despite Budowich’s assertion, it has not been confirmed whether or not any of the seized paperwork had been declassified.


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