Home News Texas Democratic senator questions timing of Abbott’s anti-DEI effort

Democratic senator questions timing of Abbott’s anti-DEI effort

Democratic senator questions timing of Abbott’s anti-DEI effort


DALLAS — Senator Royce West says timing is every little thing.

So, the Democrat from Dallas is questioning the timing of Gov. Greg Abbott’s announcement that state businesses and public universities ought to now not use range, fairness, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives when hiring.

“Why in the world would you put that out during Black History Month?” he asked on Inside Texas Politics. “That’s a hell of sensitivity to the issue. Why would you put it out the same day, or the day after, we dedicate a portrait to Opal Lee here in the Senate chambers? That’s a lot of sensitivity. Why in the world would you tell an agency to do something that they should be doing in the first place: hiring based on merit.” 

The memo from the governor’s workplace stated DEI initiatives illegally discriminate in opposition to sure demographic teams and that hiring can solely be based mostly on advantage.

West stated DEI continues to be wanted within the state as a result of it helps to usher in extra candidates for jobs in Texas. He additionally argues that since there are nonetheless disparities in job alternatives, it’s essential to usher in of us from various backgrounds and ethnicities.

“The DEI is not just hiring someone because they’re Black, or they’re Hispanic, or whatever the case. It’s broadening the pool of people that can be considered by an agency,” stated West. “All of us know that discrimination is illegal. That’s what we’ve been fighting about for all these many years. Quit discriminating.”

In his current State of the State handle, Abbott additionally named seven emergency objects lawmakers can vote on instantly. That contains increasing college selection by Education Savings Accounts (ESAs), which might enable mother and father to make use of tax {dollars} to dwelling college their youngsters or ship them to non-public colleges.

West has been a member of the Senate Education Committee for 3 a long time. And whereas he says he’s a public college advocate, if such a campus has been failing mother and father yr after yr, he says one thing should be completed.

“If you have a community that has a school in it where the kids have underperformed over a four or five year period and nothing’s been done by the public school system, you bet, I’m going to consider some alternatives,” West informed Inside Texas Politics. “The public alternative is the one I want. But if it’s not serving those kids, I can’t in all good conscience look at you and my constituents and say that I’m not going to do the best I can I order to provide an educational opportunity.”

West doesn’t suppose the votes exist, although, to go the ESA proposal this session.

“And there are rural legislators that have already told me that they’re not supportive of this particular bill,” he stated.

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