Home News Texas Dem. leader: Abbott’s State of the State address disappointing

Dem. leader: Abbott’s State of the State address disappointing

Dem. leader: Abbott’s State of the State address disappointing


DALLAS — Inside Texas Politics spoke to the chair of the Texas House Democratic Caucus instantly after Gov. Greg Abbott’s State of the State address, and Rep. Trey Martinez Fischer mentioned he was upset by the occasion’s venue.

The governor delivered his speech at a personal enterprise exterior Austin as an alternative of earlier than a joint legislative session at the Texas Capitol.

“This is my 11th State of the State speech. They’ve always been here. You don’t have to go through security detectors and turn in your phone and sign a non-disclosure agreement. I mean, that’s not the way we should have our public discourse,” Martinez Fischer informed Inside Texas Politics.

The San Antonio Democrat additionally mentioned he was upset in the substance of the governor’s address, calling it political as an alternative.

Martinez Fischer mentioned the state’s historic finances surplus is a once-in-a-generation alternative to unravel many issues without delay.

“What’s surprising is we had all this theatre, to not talk about solutions,” Martinez Fischer mentioned. “I’ve been in office 21 years now. There are $59 billion in our bank. And you would think we’d use that money to fix things.”

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