Home News Florida Defense wraps up 2 weeks of testimony in Parkland shooter’s sentencing trial

Defense wraps up 2 weeks of testimony in Parkland shooter’s sentencing trial

Defense wraps up 2 weeks of testimony in Parkland shooter’s sentencing trial


Fort Lauderdale – Defense attorneys wrapped up two weeks of testimony Friday in the sentencing trial of the Parkland shooter, making a case for mercy.

Henderson Behavioral Health Case supervisor Tiffany Forrest says again in 2013 when she visited Nikolas Cruz’s dwelling it was chaotic at greatest and abusive at worst.

“In going there frequently, you could see there was a lot of dysfunction,” stated Forrest.

The shooter was 14, and his widowed adoptive mom appeared overwhelmed elevating the shooter and his youthful brother Zachary.

“She felt Nikolas was being bullied at school and by his brother,” she stated.  

His mom informed her, the shooter had heaps of outbursts, and Forrest says she seen a door was damaged, there have been holes in the wall and a sofa had reducing marks.

At his center faculty, the image wasn’t a lot better.

“He was disrupting classes, pulling fire alarms and had poor grades,” she stated. 

Defense attorneys solely want one juror to conform to life in jail over a loss of life sentence. A loss of life penalty verdict have to be unanimous. 

They have tried to point out the shooter had a lifelong sample of violent habits.

His delivery mom, who’s deceased, had a historical past of abusing medication and alcohol.  

In opening statements, his lead lawyer argued ‘His mind is damaged.’

Prosecutors counter the shooter had a alternative. He was supplied psychiatric assist, counseling and medicine over a few years however wilfully selected to kill 17 at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in 2018.

Retired Broward Sheriff’s Office detective Jeffrey Smith recalled being on street patrol in 2011 and the shooter’s adoptive mom calling for assist.

Reading from a log, Smith stated, “He hit her with the plastic hose of a vacuum cleaner.”

The trial shall be on hiatus till September twelfth.


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