Home News Texas Dangerous, secret Texas police raids highlight problem of police militarization – Liberation...

Dangerous, secret Texas police raids highlight problem of police militarization – Liberation News


The Galveston, Texas metropolis authorities is coping with the fallout of a current SWAT raid carried out by native police that led to hundreds of {dollars} of property harm in opposition to an harmless household based mostly on a false accusation. This and different incidents lately have highlighted a critical problem with “no-knock raids” and SWAT ways during which police conduct military-style assaults on residents within the lifeless of evening or early morning, usually with no civilian oversight and even data.

Early morning Galveston raid ends in disaster

At 2 a.m. on the morning of January 22, Erika Rios, her teenage son, her daughter and a household pal had been woke up by the sound of the Galveston Police Department loudly yelling, “Come out with your hands up!”

After giving the order two instances to the confused mom and kids, a SWAT workforce shot wood pellets into the home’s home windows and doorways. According to Galveston Daily News, the SWAT workforce shattered home windows, bashed in a door, fired over 15 flash-bangs, ripped out wiring, and prompted over $5,000 in property harm.

The teenagers had been injured and all of the residents had been pressured out with their arms up. Rios and her son had been even positioned in handcuffs. Rios said of the ordeal, “We were just in a panic… When I was dragged out of the house, we weren’t told anything.”

The SWAT workforce was looking for a teen who had been accused of committing a deadly taking pictures on January 20. While the teenager had visited the household a day earlier than the raid, the Rios household’s lawyer insists that the police had been well aware the particular person they had been looking for was now not current.

Days later, police admitted that the particular person that they had been looking for had been wrongly accused and all prices had been dropped. Police had carried out a violent raid in opposition to the flawed dwelling, on the lookout for an individual who had dedicated no crime and didn’t reside there.

Galveston Chief of Police Doug Balli was positioned on 10 days of paid administrative go away. The raid was so secretive that metropolis officers, together with the mayor, solely realized about it from the newspaper 5 days later. The chief’s suspension was not based mostly on the horrific act itself, however on the dearth of communication from the police division.

Left: Galveston police chief Doug Balli. Right: Erika Rios, whose dwelling was raided by Galveston police on Jan. 22, talking at a press convention on Feb. 1. Liberation composite picture.

False information results in the demise of harmless Houston couple

The disastrous raid is just like one other raid in close by Houston that ended within the killing of an harmless couple and two police officers in 2019, referred to as the “Harding Street raid.” Using what would later be revealed as false information about medication, the Houston Police Department orchestrated a lethal SWAT raid on the house of 59-year-old Dennis Tuttle and his 58-year-old spouse Rhogena Nichols.

Upon breaking into their dwelling, the officers instantly shot the {couples}’ canine. When Tuttle tried to defend his dwelling from this violent intrusion, police responded with overwhelming pressure, killing each Tuttle and Nichols. No heroin was ever discovered.

The Houston Police Department instantly spun a story of their very own heroism within the face of the 2 folks they killed. Then-Chief of Police Art Acevedo portrayed the Harding Street raid as a case during which heroic police officers had been attacked by violent drug-dealing criminals.

Then-President of the Houston Police Officers Union Joe Grimaldi obscenely blamed the accidents of police on activists against police brutality, delivering a thinly-veiled menace to activists: “If you’re the ones that are out there spreading the rhetoric that police officers are the enemy, just know we’ve all got your numbers now, we’re going to be keeping track of all of y’all…”

The cops’ lies started to unravel inside weeks as soon as search warrants for HPD Officer Gerald Goines had been unintentionally posted to the Harris County District Clerk’s web site. The warrants confirmed that Goines was being investigated for presumably mendacity about shopping for heroin from the Tuttles’ home. It was later found that Goines had been mendacity and tampering with proof going again practically twenty years. The Harris County District Attorney’s workplace opened a evaluate into 1,400 instances that Goines was concerned in and a number of convictions were overturned.

One of the many individuals Goines offered proof in opposition to was George Floyd, whose brutal killing by police in Minneapolis in 2020 sparked a rise up in opposition to police racism that drew tens of hundreds of thousands into the streets. District Attorney Kim Ogg concluded that Goines probably lied in 2004 when he arrested Floyd on a minor drug offense for which Floyd went to jail.

Eleven officers had been in the end indicted for his or her half within the raid, and Goines is dealing with state and federal prices together with homicide within the second diploma.

No-knock raids a repressive instrument of the capitalist class

The current Texas instances are simply the tip of the iceberg of the various lives which have been destroyed by no-knock raids all through the United States. No-knock raids and SWAT groups noticed their first widespread use within the Nineteen Eighties with the escalation of the so-called “war on drugs,” a brutal open-ended assault on the working class that one of Richard Nixon’s high advisors admitted was really crafted as a warfare in opposition to Black folks and the left.

Former NYPD sergeant Joseph L. Giacalone claims that no-knock raids, which require a decide’s approval, are designed to make police officers extra secure once they search folks’s houses for medication and weapons, and to forestall proof from being destroyed. In actuality, these raids couldn’t be any much less secure for the households residing within the houses which might be being focused and ravaged within the lifeless of evening.

Wearing full physique armor and armed with assault weapons, groups of police in army formation, who usually don’t establish themselves, blast and pressure their approach into houses based mostly on usually unreliable information. Immediately upon entry, they generally use “flash-bang” grenades. These are formally designed to briefly blind and deafen their targets however the truth is routinely kill people, particularly youngsters.

The violent nature of such raids, and the dearth of announcement of police presence, prompts many individuals to defend themselves. That some folks battle again in opposition to unknown assailants invading their dwelling and bombarding them with grenades within the center of the evening is used as post-facto “justification” when the police kill residents.

Far from maintaining anybody secure, no-knock raids are one other brutal tactic within the state’s arsenal of repression. The terror that they encourage — that anybody’s dwelling could be became a warfare zone at any level — is just not incidental to the aim of such raids. It is the truth is totally the purpose, and indicative of a bigger capitalist system that treats working-class communities as enemy combatants.


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