Home News Texas Dan Patrick’s tradition busting could turn sour for Texas GOP

Dan Patrick’s tradition busting could turn sour for Texas GOP

Dan Patrick’s tradition busting could turn sour for Texas GOP


In anticipated hyperpartisan kind, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick has determined to eliminate Democratic Senate committee chairs, leaving only one, the longtime reasonable Houston Democrat John Whitmire, a lion of the Legislature whose elimination would have been an excessive amount of tradition busting even for Patrick.

It’s a tragic however predictable play from Patrick, a person for whom social gathering means greater than tradition and who sees energy in partisanship, even when it upends the best way our state has been ruled. The fear today for folks in positions like Patrick’s is that somebody will handle to get to their proper in a major. (Patrick spent a part of his week in a bizarre news launch battle with ultraconservative state Rep. Steve Toth to show one thing, it was exhausting to inform what, about who’s extra conservative.)

Thankfully, not each Republican in energy on this state is burying tradition within the identify of energy, a observe that has a approach of turning round on you.

Last week, House Speaker Dade Phelan refused to provide into the stress to solely appoint Republican chairs. After being reelected as speaker, Phelan advised House members to not “confuse” the Texas Legislature with Washington, D.C.

As a consequence, his personal social gathering went after him in political adverts and news releases so breathless they learn as parody.

James Wesolek, a spokesman for the Texas GOP, advised us that the social gathering spent $15,000 on adverts towards Phelan for refusing to ban Democratic chairs. Wesolek mentioned the adverts have been bought for a two-week stint in Phelan’s district. Such is social gathering loyalty and cohesion within the state GOP today.

Phelan has not introduced any appointments but, however he has already signaled to voters that he desires to maintain partisanship and extremism at bay this session. We want him luck.

Patrick’s actions so far, first banning media from the chamber ground and now eliminating Democratic chairs, exacerbate the Senate’s excessive tilt and weaken the belief between the Legislature and voters in a time when bipartisanship is desperately wanted.

Texas has severe enterprise to get achieved to maintain us shifting ahead as a state. Chances are the Senate can be hog-tied with enterprise it shouldn’t be worrying about. That’s unhealthy for Texans. But it could be even worse for Republicans.

If the tide ever activates conservatives on this state, they gained’t have tradition to face on now.

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