Home News Texas Dallas neighborhood ranks as No. 1 most intriguing in the U.S.

Dallas neighborhood ranks as No. 1 most intriguing in the U.S.

Dallas neighborhood ranks as No. 1 most intriguing in the U.S.


DALLAS — A Dallas neighborhood is getting extra consideration than any in the nation via homebuyers on-line, in keeping with a new study

Titled “The U.S. Neighborhoods Homebuyers Are Most Interested In” via HouseFresh, the web site took Zillow listings from America’s 100 most-populous towns and averaged the neighborhoods’ day-to-day perspectives. 

Northeast Dallas had extra moderate perspectives in line with day on Zillow than any neighborhood in the U.S., in keeping with the find out about, with 36,100. This is greater than Hollywood Hills in Los Angeles (32,216), Camelback East in Phoenix (30,366), La Jolla in San Diego (25,735) and Upper East Side in New York (24,125).

Zillow defines “Northeast Dallas” as a wide-ranging space, together with Deep Ellum thru as some distance east as the boundary of Garland and as some distance north as the decrease fringe of Richardson, encompassing Lake Highlands and White Rock Lake as its geographical centerpiece. So, the space being referred to as Northeast Dallas for this find out about is far greater than the space tucked between Lake Highlands and Highland Park, simply off the northwestern fringe of White Rock Lake.

These are the best 5 most standard neighborhoods inside Dallas, in keeping with HouseFresh’s find out about: 

These are the 5 least standard Dallas neighborhoods for Zillow searchers:


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