Home News Texas Dallas girl, 17, charged with murder hours after AMBER alert was issued...

Dallas girl, 17, charged with murder hours after AMBER alert was issued for her | World News

Dallas girl, 17, charged with murder hours after AMBER alert was issued for her | World News


A Dallas lady, 17, has been charged with murder hours after an AMBER alert was raised for her.17-year-old Natalie Navarro in brief went lacking sooner than she was charged with killing Arturo Pena, 21, on Friday, September 1. Natalie was arrested 3 days after Arturo was discovered shot to loss of life within a automobile in Garland, Texas. Police also are having a look for 21-year-old Yordy Martinez in connection with the taking pictures.

Natalie Navarro was charged with murder (Navarro County Office of Emergency Management)

At the time the AMBER alert was issued, Yordy was indexed as a suspect in Natalie’s disappearance. Police won information that Natalie had disappeared underneath “suspicious circumstances” from an condo advanced in east Dallas at round 1:30am, in line with the Daily Mail.

Natalie and Yordy had warrants for their arrest in connection with Arturo’s murder on the time the AMBER alert was issued. It is feared that Yordy will have fled around the US-Mexico border. Yordy is thought to have escaped in a depressing grey, four-door automobile.

What was the cause for the murder?

Garland Police haven’t begun to supply extra main points on what resulted in Arturo’s murder and Natalie’s arrest. Police have stated they’re “trying to figure out exactly” how the 3 other folks concerned – Natalie, Arturo and Yordy – knew every different.

Yordy Martinez, 21, is at huge (Navarro County Office of Emergency Management)

Natalie was positioned and arrested by means of police inside simply an hour after an AMBER alert was issued for her. Police then due to this fact stated she was “safe and in custody.”

Police have stated that Yordi, who’s at huge, has a rap sheet together with a criminal indictment for allegedly taking pictures a gun final 12 months in November right into a area in Garland. He has been described as having a lacking enamel.

“There’s a lot of stuff going out, we’ve collected a lot of evidence, so we’re trying to process everything right now,” Lt. Richard Maldonado of the Garland Police Department stated. He added that investigators have “yet to totally determine” a cause.


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