Home News Colorado Colorado teachers union adopts anti-capitalist resolution | Colorado

Colorado teachers union adopts anti-capitalist resolution | Colorado

Colorado teachers union adopts anti-capitalist resolution | Colorado


(The Center Square) – Colorado’s biggest union representing the state’s public college teachers has reportedly followed a resolution on financial fairness that affirms the union’s perspectives opposing capitalism. 

The Colorado Education Association, which represents greater than 39,000 educators and workforce, has followed a observation announcing it believes “capitalism inherently exploits children, public schools, land, labor and resources,” in step with a up to date file from The Lion, a newsletter of the Herzog Foundation, a Christian training group. 

The resolution additionally mentioned capitalism, an financial machine that is dependent upon personal belongings and the marketplace forces of provide and insist, stands in the way in which towards rectifying quite a lot of societal ills. 

“Capitalism is in opposition to fully addressing systemic racism (the school to prison pipeline), climate change, patriarchy (gender and LGTBQ disparities), education inequality and income inequality,” the resolution mentioned, in step with The Lion.

The Lion reported the union despatched the model of the resolution that handed the meeting right through the union’s 97th Annual CEA Delegate Assembly, which was once held in April. It’s unclear precisely what the affect of the resolution will likely be at the affairs of the union. 

A spokesperson for the union informed The Lion that the resolution was once no longer meant to be “actionable,” however one Twitter user praising the adjustments claimed it way the union can now “advocate and lobby for anti-capitalist policies at the [Colorado] Capitol.”

The CEA didn’t in an instant reply to Chalkboard Review’s request for remark. 

The union says on its web site that financial funding is one in every of its pillars, however the language used isn’t as robust as that within the resolution.

“CEA members believe education is the best investment we can make in the Colorado quality of life,” the web site reads. “Every Coloradan shares the problem of our low economic investment in public schools and the challenge of achieving sustainable funding for a quality, 21st century public education system.”

The Lion reported {that a} earlier model of the resolution incorporated verbiage with a call-to-action.  

“The only way to fully address systemic racism (the school to prison pipeline), climate change, patriarchy (gender and LGTBQ disparitites), education inequality and income inequality is to dismantle capitalism and replace it with a new, equitable economic system,” the former model learn, in step with a screenshot bought by way of The Lion.

Several Republican state lawmakers have since decried the union’s stance.

“As a Colorado State Senator who often has to listen to testimony by the CEA, I find their explanation about a possible anti-capitalism resolution wholly inadequate,” state Sen. Mark Baisley, R-Woodland Park, informed The Lion. 

“Because their platform always seems to end up in Colorado classrooms, I will be demanding answers from the leadership of the CEA, including disclosure of all resolutions approved by the voting delegates,” Baisley added.  

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