Home News Florida Clearwater Fire & Rescue hosts amateur radio operator training

Clearwater Fire & Rescue hosts amateur radio operator training

Clearwater Fire & Rescue hosts amateur radio operator training


CLEARWATER, Fla. — The Clearwater Amateur Radio Society Inc. is holding a Field Day on Saturday, June 25, to assist prepare amateur radio operators for hurricane season.

The occasion might be held on the Clearwater Fire & Rescue training amenities starting at 2 p.m. on Saturday afternoon. The training middle is positioned at 1716 N. Belcher Road, simply north of Station 48. Several operators are anticipated to be available at Saturday’s training occasion.

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Clearwater Fire & Rescue needs to emphasize the significance of amateur radio operators – also referred to as ham radio operators – throughout hurricane season. In 2018, Hurricane Michael devastated elements of the Florida Panhandle, taking out essential elements of communications networks. Clearwater Fire stated in some places of the panhandle, amateur radio operators have been the one communication with the skin world.

In Pinellas County, Clearwater Fire stated an amateur radio operator is current in each storm shelter and they’re a vital link to native emergency administration officers.


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