Home News Florida Chronicling the journey of Ukrainian refugees

Chronicling the journey of Ukrainian refugees


PASCO COUNTY, Fla. — The mass exodus out of war-torn Ukraine is unending. According to UNICEF, “three million children inside Ukraine and over 2.2 million children in refugee-hosting countries are now in need of humanitarian assistance.”

There isn’t any finish to the Russian invasion launched on Feb. 24.

So many Ukrainian households are determined to flee and defend their youngsters.

Recently, the U.S. launched the Uniting for Ukraine program. According to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, it “provides a pathway for Ukrainian citizens and their immediate family members who are outside the United States to come to the United States and stay temporarily in a two-year period of parole. Ukrainians participating in Uniting for Ukraine must have a supporter in the United States who agrees to provide them with financial support for the duration of their stay in the United States.”


Sponsoring Ukrainians fleeing warfare generally is a tough and scary course of. But, some Americans, like the husband and spouse workforce Kelli and Lee Stuart, took the plunge.

During school, Kelli Stuart studied overseas in Kyiv. She minored in Russian and traveled throughout Ukraine interviewing World War II survivors for her ebook, “Like a River From Its Course.

She made pals in Ukraine and fell in love with the individuals. When the warfare broke out, she advised ABC Action News reporter Michael Paluska that she contacted an American missionary to assist her discover an orphan she had sponsored years in the past. That communication led to one thing the Stuart household did not plan. The missionary reached out just a few weeks later.

“And she said, ‘there’s this family of eight from the town of Kiliya that’s now at a refugee center here in Romania. They’re looking to come to the United States. Do you know of anyone that can help them?'” Kelli Stuart recounted. “And at first we were like, well, not us, we can’t help eight people. But then we talked with the pastor at our church and just felt like, well, why not us? These are people that need help, and why not us?”

The Stuarts are already a household of seven. But they felt that they might make it occur with their group’s assist.

“It was overwhelming and daunting and scary. But our church (Church at Odessa) really partnered with us,” Kelli Stuart mentioned. “And so we just started fundraising to be able to support eight people. And that’s kind of how we got connected with this family. And since then, we’ve built a relationship with them over Facebook. And we’re looking forward to meeting them face to face and getting them here.”

Her husband Lee started speaking with the household through Facebook, sharing footage and attending to know them. 

“In talking to them, you know, it does get emotional because you see it on their faces. And, you know, they’re very proud people who love their country,” Lee Stuart mentioned. 

“And we think, what if it were us? I mean, who’s to say we won’t be the next people with missiles pointed at our heads?” Kelli Stuart requested. “And, what would we want the world to do for us? And so it’s just a matter of saying yes. Even if it’s scary.”

The church and group members raised hundreds of {dollars} to help the household after they arrived in America. A lifeline of donations the Stuart household wanted to sponsor them as a result of they’re required by the program to declare they’d financially help the refugees.

“They’ve been stuck in the in-between for a little while. And I think they’re tired. They are nervous. They’re scared about this next step, but I think they’re just ready not to be floundering in the in-between,” Kelli Stuart mentioned. “They’ve lost everything.”

They have been in a position to lease a house for all eight to dwell beneath one roof. For a number of weeks Kelli and Lee, together with dozens of group members, put in rather a lot of sweat fairness to get the home mounted up.

“I think that it’s a blessing for our family, our children who are getting to participate in this process,” Kelli Stuart mentioned. “We didn’t know about the difficulties facing immigrants and refugees, and we didn’t know. And even for us to learn and expand our understanding and our ability to empathize and sympathize with people coming into our country just looking for safety. So that’s a gift that not only we’re able to offer, but it’s a gift to us to learn and grow in our own lives. So we’re grateful.”

On July 20, six of the eight Ukrainians landed in Tampa after which walked by means of the entrance door of their new residence. 

Kelli Stuart translated our interview with Snejana Kurbanova, who arrived together with her husband Viktor and three youngsters, Roman, 14, Mylana, 11, and Katalin, 3. 

The youngsters’s grandpa Misha Horytsia arrived with out his spouse, Pasha. And, Snejana’s sister Gloria Horytsia additionally stays in Ukraine. Both are authorised for journey however ready on up to date passports.

For a number of years Snejana mentioned the household tried to come back to America; in a matter of days and a whirlwind journey, they have been right here.

“It was shock,” Snejana mentioned after Paluska requested how she felt seeing her new residence.

“She said they were just amazed,” Kelli Stuart mentioned. “They were surprised they weren’t expecting this. It’s like a whole new world.”

Days after the invasion started, Snejana mentioned the household left for Romania. At evening the sights and sounds of warfare crammed the sky, their residence shaking as the missiles hit their targets on the floor.

“She and the kids were just exhausted because the sirens were always going off, so they couldn’t sleep during the day. They weren’t able to sleep at night. All the stores closed down, so they couldn’t get anything to eat,” Stuart translated. “They were sleeping in their clothes because they’d have to go downstairs as soon as they heard the sirens, and she just decided this was no way to live. So they decided they weren’t going to stay.”

There are methods Americans can assist. 

We interviewed Sylvia Acevedo, the Senior Director of Refugee and Employment Services of Gulf Coast Jewish Family and Community Services.

Acevedo mentioned they’re the busiest they’ve ever been, not simply resettling Ukrainians however refugees from throughout.

“We started thinking we would resettle 300 refugees this year, and then Afghanistan happened. And we ended up resettling another 240 people from Afghanistan, in addition to the refugees we resettled. And then we have seen an increase in Ukrainians. We have about 100 individuals. And if I include North Port, Florida, (a total of) 150 individuals who approached us and are getting assessed for services.”

Last yr Acevedo mentioned they resettled 70 refugees; this yr, they’re already at 700.

“We’ve doubled our staff. We’ve brought on new volunteers. We have done a lot of fundraising to help support refugees’ needs. And so we’re able to serve them,” Acevedo mentioned.

If you wish to assist, you’ll be able to at all times sponsor somebody or assist with donations. But, Acevedo urges everybody to contact them to keep away from scams.

“If you have anyone that that is watching your program that is interested in sponsoring a family, they can get in touch with us, and we can put them in touch with the folks that are in D.C., who are matching up potential sponsors with families who need sponsors,” Acevedo mentioned. “And we’re keeping a close eye on that sponsor relationship and the dynamic between the sponsor and the beneficiary to make sure that the sponsorship relationship doesn’t break down or becomes one that involves exploitation.”

Acevedo hopes all Americans welcome and assist assimilate these refugees into society.

“We all know that refugees adapt quickly and that the community is here with open arms to help, and that’s what’s gonna make their integration a success,” Acevedo mentioned.

The Ukrainian household in Pasco County is happy to start out their new life. The children might be beginning college, whereas the adults begin their search to search out jobs.

They hope to stay in America and develop into U.S. residents.

“She doesn’t want Americans to be afraid of sponsoring Ukrainians because there are so many families like her own with children that would like to leave,” Kelli Stuart translated. “And, she understands how difficult it is to sponsor, and that’s a big ask. But, she would like Americans to share their lives with Ukrainians and how we’ve been able to do that with this family.”

While footage, Kelli Stuart advised Paluska she could not think about life with out the new household positioned into their lives.

“We want people to know that as Americans, I don’t consider ourselves saviors in any way whatsoever. We were doing what was placed before us. We just had this opportunity and took it; it felt risky and scary, but it’s been incredibly rewarding for us because they are amazing,” Kelli Stuart mentioned.

“We love them. We love to be with them. We’ve spent almost every day with them since they got here, and we are so grateful. I think for our children, it has been a good perspective to understand that life is hard for many people, and we are blessed. We are privileged here in America, so what we do with that matters. I want people to know that we don’t consider ourselves — like we just did what was placed in front of us, and we were scared and had to take a risk.”

Refugees from Ukraine.

Michael Paluska

From left to proper: Viktor Kurbanov holding his son Katalin together with his spouse Snejana standing subsequent to her daughter Mylana, and son Roman with grandpa Misha Horytsia on the finish.


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