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Chicago and police union reach tentative deal on 20% raise for officers

Chicago and police union reach tentative deal on 20% raise for officers

The town of Chicago and the union representing its rank-and-file police officers have reached a tentative settlement on a four-year contract that would offer a few 20% raise for officers

ByThe Associated Press

October 20, 2023, 8:22 PM

CHICAGO — The town of Chicago and the union representing its rank-and-file police officers have reached a tentative settlement on a four-year contract that would offer a few 20% raise for officers, the 2 aspects introduced Friday.

The deal, which might prolong the present contract by means of two years thru June 30, 2027, doubles from 2.5% to five% the yearly pay raise that officers are scheduled to obtain in 2024 and 2025. Cost-of-living raises would practice in 2026 and 2027 and most probably fall between 3% and 5%.

A $2,000 annual retention bonus for officers with no less than twenty years on the activity would get replaced by means of a one-time bonus of $2,000 for all officers.

The settlement additionally permits officers accused of great misconduct to have their disciplinary circumstances made up our minds at the back of closed doorways, news retailers reported.

Mayor Brandon Johnson issued a observation pronouncing that “with this settlement in position, our management can now direct our complete center of attention on enforcing duty measures throughout the Chicago Police Department, supporting police workplaces, and a powerful neighborhood protection time table.”

The deal wishes the approval of the City Council’s Committee on Workforce Development and passage by means of the total City Council sooner than it takes impact.

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