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Chia seeds vs Sabja seeds: How are they different in terms of benefits?

Chia seeds vs Sabja seeds: How are they different in terms of benefits?

Over the years, people have now become extremely conscious about their health and well-being. In fact, an increasing number of individuals are now adding superfoods in their diets. These are both nutrient dense and provide a host of benefits as well. Amidst the rise of superfoods, Chia and Sabja (Basil) seeds are now some of the most popular superfoods around.

However, with their similar appearance, there seems to be a lot of confusion between the two and most people cannot differentiate between Chia and Sabja seeds. So here we are to tell you their respective health benefits and how to consume them as part of a balanced diet.


In a past Instagram post, renowned nutritionist Pooja Makhija revealed that “Chia seeds are never pitch black, they are in fact a mixture of grey, black, white sometimes even brown seeds. On the other hand, Sabja seeds are uniformly jet black in colour.” While the former are a little bit larger, more oval in shape, Basil seeds are tiny and round in shape.

Chia seeds are small but are packed with big benefits. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

How to consume

In terms of consumption, there is a huge difference between the two. Sabja seeds need preparation before they are consumed and ideally need to be soaked for at least a couple of hours in water. On the other hand, Chia seeds can be consumed both raw or water soaked, and it depends how you like to have them.

Nutritional content

Both seeds offer a long list of nutrients to the human body. Both are rich in antioxidants, fibre, calcium, protein and many other key nutrients. While Chia is a good source of omega-3, basil seeds contain huge amounts of iron.

Benefits to the body

According to Makhija, “Chia seeds help stabilize blood sugar, and promote energy and endurance, while Sabja seeds combat acidity and relieve constipation.” In fact, Chia seeds can also improve cardiovascular health. Sabja seeds can aid in bettering the quality of the blood.

Also, read: How to add chia seeds to your diet? Here are 5 delicious ways


Makhija says that “Chia has no taste of its own, thus, adapts to any dish. Sabja seeds have mild flavour of basil.”

These tiny seeds can do wonders for weight loss. Image courtesy: Shutterstock


Basil seeds are not easily available, therefore, are more expensive than Chia seeds.

How do Chia and Sabja (Basil) seeds aid in weight loss?

The main benefit of both the seeds is their ability to make you feel satiated, which means they fill you up easily and hence, you tend to avoid snacking throughout the day. Since both are added to water and consumed, they also keep your body hydrated. However, make sure to consume them as part of a balanced diet in order to get their most benefits.

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