Home News CBS defends diversity hiring on ‘SEAL Team’ from ‘anti-white discrimination’ suit

CBS defends diversity hiring on ‘SEAL Team’ from ‘anti-white discrimination’ suit

CBS defends diversity hiring on ‘SEAL Team’ from ‘anti-white discrimination’ suit

CBS filed a movement Thursday to throw out a lawsuit difficult its diversity hiring practices for writers on the display “SEAL Team,” arguing that it has a First Amendment proper to rent who it needs.

Brian Beneker, the longtime script coordinator on the display, sued in February, arguing that he have been time and again handed over for writing jobs as a result of he’s a instantly, white guy.

Beneker has the backing of America First Legal, which is administered via Stephen Miller, an adviser to former President Trump. The group has sought to problem diversity, fairness and inclusion methods — which it phrases “anti-white discrimination” — within the leisure trade and somewhere else in company America.

In its motion, CBS argued that it has a constitutional proper to come to a decision who will talk on its behalf, which supersedes anti-discrimination legislation.

“CBS’s alleged decision to prioritize diversity in its writers’ rooms is protected by the First Amendment because — as Beneker’s complaint recognizes — who writes for a creative production like ‘SEAL Team’ affects the stories that ‘SEAL Team’ tells,” wrote Molly Lens, a spouse at O’Melveny & Myers. “So limiting CBS’s ability to select the writers of its choice — as Beneker seeks to do here — unconstitutionally impairs CBS’s ability to shape its message.”

In a identical case, Disney argued closing month that it had a First Amendment proper to fireplace “Mandalorian” actor Gina Carano after she made a post on social media that allegedly trivialized the Holocaust.

Disney and CBS each and every cite the similar circumstances — Boy Scouts of America v. Dale and Hurley v. Irish-American Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Group of Boston, amongst others — for the proposition that the federal government can not drive a personal entity to rent somebody to precise perspectives it disagrees with.

Lens could also be some of the lawyers representing Disney within the Carano case.

In each circumstances, the protection cited a race discrimination lawsuit filed in opposition to ABC in 2011 over its failure to forged a Black guy in “The Bachelor.” The pass judgement on threw out that case, mentioning the manufacturers’ First Amendment proper to make their very own casting choices.

In 2020, CBS set a goal of getting Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) illustration succeed in 40% in its writers rooms in 2021-22 and 50% in 2022-23.

A file via the Writers Guild of America West discovered that BIPOC writers made up 37% of general TV collection staffing in 2020, up from 13.6% a decade previous.

Beneker’s lawsuit alleged that CBS’s purpose amounted to an unlawful hiring quota. The suit alleged that white, heterosexual males wanted “extra qualifications” to be employed as body of workers writers, similar to army enjoy or earlier writing credit, in comparison to nonwhite, feminine or LGBTQ writers, who didn’t want such {qualifications}.

The suit alleged that the hiring coverage violates the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The suit seeks an order barring CBS from imposing the coverage, and requiring the display to rent Beneker as a manufacturer.

CBS does no longer declare that the First Amendment makes it immune from anti-discrimination rules. But it does contend that the First Amendment prevails when hiring for positions — like writers or actors — that contain expressive behavior.

“The First Amendment rule of speaker’s autonomy gives CBS, and CBS alone, the right to decide what stories to tell in its television programming,” Lens wrote. “And it has the corresponding right to select which writers are best suited to tell those stories.”

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