Home News Florida Cancer patient says Bolts helped her during chemo

Cancer patient says Bolts helped her during chemo

Cancer patient says Bolts helped her during chemo


TAMPA, Fla — Jordan Wilkerson has most cancers.

“I was diagnosed at the age of 25 with Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma,” she mentioned.

The U.S. Airforce veteran is now present process chemotherapy and when requested about her analysis continues to be one way or the other upbeat.

“Honestly, the first thing I could think of is how lucky I am because there’s still some people that have my type of cancer that don’t get to go through chemotherapy. I’m just lucky to get the opportunity to do it and that my body is still strong enough,” she mentioned.

Her mother, Melissa McKnight, mentioned Jordan has all the time taken life head-on.

“She’s always been a tough one, for sure, I mean she takes things in stride,” she mentioned.

But they each additionally credit score the Bolts and their historic run as one thing that is helped her get by means of to this point.

“So instead of the days going by like, ‘Okay there’s one bag done. There’s another chemo bag done.’ I was viewing my five days in the hospital as like, ‘Alright. I got a Bolts game tomorrow and then I have another one in two days and then after that second Bolts game, I’ll be almost done so I can go home,'” Jordan mentioned.

Jordan is now midway by means of therapy and although the Bolts’ run could also be over for this season; she’s assured she’ll see one other quickly.

“It’s okay we’ll be back next year, I’m pretty confident in them so we’re going to do it, we’ll be back I’m not even worried about it,” she mentioned.


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