Home Entertainment Cameron recalls how Leonardo almost lost `Titanic` as he refused screen test

Cameron recalls how Leonardo almost lost `Titanic` as he refused screen test

Cameron recalls how Leonardo almost lost `Titanic` as he refused screen test

Hollywood star Leonardo DiCaprio was almost turned down for his now-iconic function in `Titanic` resulting from his diva behaviour.

Having led a number of motion pictures and scored an Oscar nomination for 1993`s `What`s Eating Gilbert Grape` on the time, the actor acted snobbish throughout a gathering with James Cameron, stories aceshowbiz.com.

The filmmaker revealed in an interview with GQ that DiCaprio refused to learn throughout a screen test with Kate Winslet. The `Avatar` helmer stated the actor had already come for a gathering earlier than throughout which he “charmed everyone.”

“There was a meeting with Leo and then there was a screen test with Leo,” Cameron detailed the casting course of for the 1997 film.

“The meeting was funny because I am sitting in my conference room, waiting to meet an actor. And I look around, and all the women in the entire office are in the meeting. They all wanted to meet Leo. It was hysterical.”

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DiCaprio left a special impression in the course of the screen test.

“He came back a couple of days later, and I had the camera set up to record the video,” Cameron stated.

“He didn`t know he was going to test. He thought it was another meeting to meet Kate. So I said, `Okay, we`ll just go in the next room, and we`ll run some lines and I`ll video it.` And he said, `You mean, I`m reading?` I said, `Yeah.` He said, `Oh, I don`t read.` I shook his hand and said, `Thanks for coming by,` ” the director recalled.

Cameron was prepared to show away DiCaprio proper then and there, however the actor got here again to him and stated: “Wait, wait, wait. If I don`t read, I don`t get the part? Just like that?” Cameron responded, “Oh, yeah.” He went on explaining how vital the mission can be to him, “Come on. This is a giant movie that is going to take two years of my life, and you`ll be gone doing five other things while I`m doing post-production. So, I`m not going to f**k it up by making the wrong decision in casting. So, you`re going to read, or you`re not going to get the part.”

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Cameron stated DiCaprio begrudgingly agreed to learn.

“So he comes in, and he`s like every ounce of his entire being is just so negative – right up until I said, `Action.` Then he turned into Jack,” he shared. “Kate just lit up, and they played the scene. Dark clouds had opened up, and a ray of sun came down and lit up Jack. I`m like, `All right. He`s the guy.`”

While Winslet had already secured the feminine lead half on the time, Cameron initially additionally had some reservations about casting the actress, who had already completed some historic movies previous to `Titanic`.

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“I actually didn`t see Kate at first,” the 68-year-old admitted. “She had done a couple of other historical dramas as well, and she was getting a reputation as `Corset Kate` doing historical stuff.”

Cameron was afraid that placing Winslet within the function “was going to look like the laziest casting in the world.” He agreed to satisfy her ultimately and thought she was “fantastic.”

`Titanic` ended up turning into an enormous field workplace success, accumulating $2.2 billion worldwide. It was additionally liked by critics, scoring 14 Academy Award nominations and successful 11 of them.

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