Home News Texas-news ‘Breaking The News’ film captures The 19th’s start-up years

‘Breaking The News’ film captures The 19th’s start-up years


The 19th is coming to the Tribeca Film Festival

A feature-length documentary about our nonprofit newsroom’s first three years, “Breaking the News,” will premiere at the prestigious festival in mid-June. 

The film, made independently by a fleet of Emmy- and Academy Award-nominated directors and producers (Heather Courtney, Princess A. Hairston, Chelsea Hernandez and Diane Quon), follows the 19th team through the trials and tribulations of its early start-up days. It documents some of the biggest stories of our lifetimes, from the COVID “she-cession,” to the overturning of Roe, to the voter suppression and police killings that roiled an already consequential election year, to the attack on LGBTQ+ rights nationally. It also follows our search for culture, equity and capital amid a news business in crisis, as well as our efforts to balance our personal lives, children, and of course, dogs, with the pressures of launching a start-up in a pandemic. 

19th Editor-at-large Errin Haines takes a zoom call from her living room in this still from Breaking The News.
(Breaking The News)

It took courage for the 19th team to let our guard down and allow cameras into our personal and professional lives — knowing our mistakes, our challenges, our emotions would be visible to the world. The film is sometimes raw, always candid and unquestionably vulnerable. Most of all, we hope it is a service to our industry: a lucid picture of what it takes to challenge the status quo and break the mold in American media.“Breaking the News” will be screened multiple times at Tribeca, which takes place June 7-18 in New York City.

Single tickets go on sale May 2 and can be purchased here.


This story was originally published by The 19th

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