Home News Texas Bosque County, Texas child alive after being struck by lightning

Bosque County, Texas child alive after being struck by lightning

Bosque County, Texas child alive after being struck by lightning


Grayson Boggs, a six-year-old boy from Texas, is fortunate to be alive after he used to be struck by lightning on Monday. Unfortunately, his father, Matthew Boggs, who used to be strolling Grayson again from the bus, used to be killed within the incident. The lightning bolt traveled from Matthew Boggs to his son, who used to be retaining his hand on the time. Grayson Boggs had no heartbeat for almost half-hour however paramedics had been ready to stay him respiring en path to the health facility.

Currently, Grayson Boggs remains to be hospitalized, and docs are expecting that he’s going to by no means see, stroll, or communicate once more because of frontal lobe injury in his mind. The tragedy has been tricky for the circle of relatives, and Grayson’s father is ready to be buried in Indiana, the house state of the Boggs circle of relatives. In an effort to lend a hand the circle of relatives with bills, a GoFundMe has been set as much as quilt the scientific bills of Grayson’s ongoing care and the funeral prices of Matthew Boggs.

The circle of relatives is thankful for the outpouring of make stronger and hopes to have sufficient donations to hide Grayson’s ongoing care and to deliver Matthew house to be buried together with his circle of relatives. For the ones occupied with donating, the GoFundMe link can also be discovered here.

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