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Boris Johnson’s government in jeopardy as closest allies quit over sexual harassment scandal

Boris Johnson’s government in jeopardy as closest allies quit over sexual harassment scandal

LONDON — A defiant Boris Johnson was battling to remain in energy as prime minister Wednesday after his government was rocked by the resignation of a number of ministers who mentioned they may now not serve below his scandal-tarred management.

Months of discontent over Johnson’s judgment and ethics inside his governing Conservative Party erupted with the resignations of Treasury chief Rishi Sunak and Health Secretary Sajid Javid inside minutes of one another on Tuesday night.

In a scathing assertion to Parliament Wednesday, Javid mentioned he had concluded that “the problem starts at the top and that is not going to change.”

“This week again, we have reason to question the truth and integrity of what we’ve all been told. And at some point we have to conclude that enough is enough,” added Javid. “I believe that point is now.”

His feedback got here after Johnson confronted a troublesome Prime Minister’s Questions, an typically rowdy weekly session throughout which parliamentarians quiz the premier on all kinds of points.

Sajid Javid makes an impassioned plea for Johnson to step down throughout Prime Minister’s Questions on Wednesday. AFP – Getty Images

Although he was repeatedly requested whether or not he would quit, Johnson vowed that “the job of a prime minister in difficult circumstances when you’ve been handed a colossal mandate is to keep going.”

Even as the session was going down, Johnson’s Environment Minister Jo Churchill and Housing Minister Stuart Andrew each launched letters asserting their resignations from the Cabinet.

Johnson additionally fired Cabinet Minister Michael Gove on Wednesday, a surprising transfer that additional signifies he refuses to depart his place. Gove’s dismissal was a late burst of added drama to a day of twists in Westminster.

Within an hour of news breaking on Gove’s firing, Simon Hart posted a letter he wrote resigning as Secretary of State for Wales to his Twitter account.

“I have never been a massive fan of Ministerial resignations being the best means of forcing change,” Hart’s letter learn. “Colleagues have done their upmost in private and in public to help you turn this ship around, but it is with sadness that I feel we have passed the point where this is possible.”

In whole 38 MPs have quit the Government since Tuesday night and the string of resignations from each the liberal and right-wing branches of the Conservative Party confirmed that the hazard to Johnson was removed from over.

How we bought right here

The remaining straw for Sunak and Javid was the prime minister’s shifting explanations about his dealing with of sexual misconduct allegations inside Conservative ranks.

The newest scandal got here to mild final week when Chris Pincher resigned as Conservative deputy chief whip amid complaints that he had groped two males at a non-public membership. That triggered a sequence of studies about previous allegations leveled towards Pincher and questions on why Johnson promoted him to a senior job imposing occasion self-discipline.

Johnson’s workplace initially mentioned he wasn’t conscious of the earlier accusations when he promoted Pincher in February. But by Monday, a spokesman mentioned Johnson knew of allegations that have been “either resolved or did not progress to a formal complaint.”

When a former prime civil servant in the Foreign Office mentioned Johnson had been briefed about an allegation towards Pincher in 2019, Johnson’s workplace modified its story once more, saying the prime minister had forgotten that Pincher was the topic of an official criticism.

It was all an excessive amount of for ministers who’ve been despatched onto radio and TV to defend the government’s place, solely to search out the place altering by the hour.

The Pincher affair is the most recent in a sequence of embarrassing incidents which have pressured Johnson to do public U-turns.

Critics questioned Johnson’s ethics final yr after a government report discovered that he had acted “unwisely” when he allowed a Conservative Party donor to settle an bill for among the redecoration prices of his Downing Street residence earlier than paying it again.

In the previous few months, he has additionally been fined by police and slammed by an investigator’s report over lockdown-breaching events in government in the course of the Covid pandemic. In June, Lord Christopher Geidt turned the second ethics adviser to quit in lower than two years, after admitting Johnson may need broke ministerial guidelines over the scandal dubbed “Partygate.”

Johnson survived a no-confidence vote by his occasion in which 41% of Conservative lawmakers voted to oust him.

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