Home News Florida Body found after burning car is extinguished in Cutler Bay

Body found after burning car is extinguished in Cutler Bay

Body found after burning car is extinguished in Cutler Bay


CUTLER BAY, Fla. – A loss of life investigation is underway in Miami-Dade County after firefighters extinguished a car engulfed in flames handiest to discover a frame within.

First responders arrived on the scene situated round Old Cutler Road and Southwest 92nd Avenue in Curler Bay at roughly 1:45 p.m. Thursday.

Authorities mentioned a person used to be detained in a while after the hearth used to be put out.

That guy used to be taken to the police station for wondering, officials mentioned, including that detectives had been interviewing him to decide his involvement, if any, in the hearth.

No arrests were introduced, and the one who used to be came upon in the car has now not been recognized.

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