Home News Texas Bissonnet Track closed off at night to fight sex trafficking

Bissonnet Track closed off at night to fight sex trafficking

Bissonnet Track closed off at night to fight sex trafficking


Breaking news

Houston Chronicle

Officers have begun blockading the streets within the space of southwest Houston referred to as the Bissonnet Track in an effort to tamp down on sex trafficking, in accordance to police officers.

The Bissonnet Track is a space of southwest Houston, close to the place Bissonnet Street meets Beltway 8, which is across the world referred to as a hub for sex trafficking.


Starting a couple of week in the past, police started final streets after industry hours locally in an effort to forestall sex staff from congregating within the space, in accordance to Jodi Silva, a spokeswoman for the Houston Police Department.

Mayor Sylvester Turner additionally had named the Bissonnet quarter as one in all his priorities and division officers were asking for concepts on how to scale back sex trafficking.

Patrol officials spurred the theory of blocking off streets after industry hours, Silva mentioned.

The initiative is the newest effort town leaders have introduced in an effort to forestall a historic factor within the space. Officers within the division’s vice department continuously run stings locally and town officers have filed civil proceedings to create a proposed anti-prostitution zone.

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