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Biden budget asks for 25% tax on billionaires, boosts in domestic and defense spending

Biden budget asks for 25% tax on billionaires, boosts in domestic and defense spending


WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden’s budget request for the impending fiscal yr asks Congress to spice up investment for defense and domestic techniques and levy a 25% minimal tax on billionaires, putting in place a vital distinction with House Republicans, who hope to chop spending to ultimate yr’s ranges and overwhelmingly oppose tax will increase.

The president’s budget request, launched Thursday, calls on U.S. lawmakers to extend defense spending to $885 billion and investment for non-defense accounts to $1.015 trillion. That would building up each classes from the $858 billion in defense spending and about $773 billion in non-defense investment Congress approved in December when it wrapped up ultimate yr’s procedure.

“My 2024 Budget is a blue-collar blueprint to rebuild America in a fiscally responsible way that leaves no one behind,” Biden stated in a written observation accompanying the budget liberate.

The budget request, Biden wrote, would decrease “costs for families — with new measures to expand health coverage, cap prescription drug costs, invest in quality child care, build affordable housing, reduce home energy bills, make college more affordable, and more.”

Biden’s budget requests lawmakers prolong “the solvency of the Medicare Trust Fund by at least 25 years, and invest in service delivery so that seniors and people with disabilities can access the benefits they have earned.”

The tax phase of the budget proposes Congress identify a 25% minimal tax on billionaires’ source of revenue, together with preferred property, with Biden writing that “no billionaire should ever pay a lower tax rate than a school teacher or a firefighter.”

Biden additionally asks U.S. lawmakers to quadruple “the tax on corporate stock buybacks, so companies invest more in production to improve quality and lower prices, and less in buybacks that only benefit shareholders and CEOs.”

“This Budget closes tax loopholes for the wealthy and cracks down on tax cheats, and it once again ensures that no one earning less than $400,000 a year will pay a penny more in new taxes, period,” Biden wrote.

Increases for agriculture, training

The budget request’s spending phase calls on Congress to offer important will increase to a number of federal departments, together with a fifteen% spice up to the Treasury Department, a 14% building up to the Agriculture Department, a just about 14% spice up to the Education Department and an 11% building up to the Health and Human Services Department.

The National Science Foundation would get a just about 19% building up in spending and the Environmental Protection Agency would see a 19% building up in its budget if Congress has the same opinion to the request.

The Transportation Department would see a just about 3% relief in its budget whilst the Army Corps of Engineers would see its budget drop by means of 14%.

The budget request begins the fiscal 2024 spending procedure, which was once meant to start out the primary Monday in February when the White House will have to have launched the president’s budget.

The president’s budget is solely a request since Congress controls the facility to set tax coverage and determines federal spending, nevertheless it presentations the manager department priorities.

Budget struggle launches

The liberate of the president’s budget on Thursday will kick off a flurry of process on Capitol Hill, the place the House and Senate spending panels will quickly grasp hearings with the majority of Cabinet secretaries and company heads on their budget requests.

The House and Senate appropriations committees will then every draft the dozen annual executive spending expenses someday this summer season ahead of heading to convention later this yr.

The House Budget Committee, managed by means of Republicans, is predicted to liberate its budget solution for fiscal 2024 someday this spring, although that tax and spending blueprint isn’t a invoice and doesn’t get signed into legislation.

Biden has time and again referred to as on the House GOP to liberate its budget solution, arguing that when his budget request and their budget solution are each public, the 2 aspects can examine and distinction to doubtlessly in finding not unusual flooring.

Biden has additionally time and again rebuked Republicans as a result of some contributors of the birthday celebration have proposed adjustments to techniques like Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, a New York Democrat, has now not stated if the Senate will liberate a budget solution this yr or now not.


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