Home News Texas Army commanders’ use of pretrial confinement is widely uneven

Army commanders’ use of pretrial confinement is widely uneven

Army commanders’ use of pretrial confinement is widely uneven


“Soldiers accused of sexual assault are less than half as likely to be placed in pretrial confinement than those accused of offenses like drug use and distribution, disobeying an officer or burglary.”

“If something had been done sooner, he would have never gotten the chance to hurt me.”

— Lee

A justice system led by army commanders

A harmful individual

Serial offenses


Do you even know what you are apologizing for?

Christian Alvarado

My aggressive conduct.


Alvarado, it was greater than aggressive. You choked me till I nearly handed out and left bruises round my neck.

Even after I informed you to cease, you continue to shoved your hand down my pants.

Why didn’t you cease after I informed you to?

Christian Alvarado

I choked you and fingered [you].

I don’t need to speak about it.

“How long do we need to let a serial predator continue to violate orders and harm people?”

— Franklin Rosenblatt, a legislation professor who beforehand served as a Fort Bliss choose advocate from 2010 to 2012

Different remedy

“Although the Army’s case centered on drug use and possession, Ochoa was ultimately put in pretrial confinement both times for violating superior officers’ orders.”


“Nicole Graham said her daughter might still be alive had commanders placed Alvarado in detention earlier.”

Help The Texas Tribune and ProPublica report on the army justice system

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