Home News After Democratic shutdown, Fla. Republicans pass new congressional map that kills Black...

After Democratic shutdown, Fla. Republicans pass new congressional map that kills Black district

After Democratic shutdown, Fla. Republicans pass new congressional map that kills Black district

TALLAHASSEE — The Florida House handed a new congressional map on Thursday simply after Democratic lawmakers shut down the state’s particular legislative session for greater than an hour with a pray-in and sit-in contained in the chamber.

The chamber handed the map at simply earlier than 1 p.m. as two Black Democratic members shouted a call-and-response chant in opposition to it. The new map was drawn on the insistence of Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis, who demanded the elimination of a Black-heavy congressional seat; Democrats say the redrawn districts unravel Black political energy within the state. The Senate voted Wednesday to pass the map.

The noisy and chaotic continuing marked the tip of an uncommon standoff between the state legislators, who sometimes management redistricting, and a governor who inserted himself into the method to safe a big political acquire for his get together nationally.

The shocking act of defiance started at slightly earlier than midday, when Rep. Yvonne Hinson went over her allotted talking time and had her microphone reduce, prompting different Black lawmakers to face with out being acknowledged and collect within the middle of the chamber, exhibiting off shirts that mentioned “Stop the Black Attack” and sitting on the state seal of the House flooring’s blue carpet.

In all, 4 Black lawmakers and one Hispanic consultant — Hinson, Angie Nixon, Travaris McCurdy, Felicia Robinson and Susan Valdés — occupied the middle of the chamber as bewildered Republicans seemed on.

House Speaker Chris Sprowls tried to rule them out of order, and once they refused to conform, the session was gaveled into an indefinite recess. The Republicans then left; the TV feed to the Florida Channel, which was broadcasting the session, was reduce; an Associated Press photographer was kicked off the ground by the sergeant-at-arms and had his media pass taken away; and the highest safety official additionally kicked out the few members of the general public observing within the gallery and barred others from getting into.

“We’re on lockdown right now,” one sergeant defined.

Democrats, alone within the chamber, prayed and chanted.

Rep. Dotie Joseph led a prayer suggesting Republicans have been below the sway of Satan, whom she referred to as “the Adversary.”

“Right now, we’ve lined up all of the works of the Adversary — all of the works of the Adversary — seeking to divide us, seeking to distract us with a culture war,” she said. “We refocused us on your two highest and greatest commandments: that we would love you and that we would love each other, and that people would know you by our works and how we treat one another.”

Rep. Anna Eskamani led a chant as Rep. Carlos Guillermo Smith appeared to livestream from the House floor.

Under Florida House rules, the speaker has the right to have the members forcibly removed, but after an hour of the sit-in, he did not exercise that authority.

Instead, the GOP majority took the floor in force an hour later, determined to pass the map. Hinson stood at the center of the floor, on the seal, while Nixon and McCurdy sat beside her.

Nixon shouted: “when Black votes are under attack, what do we do?”

“Stand up fight back!” McCurdy shouted back.

The two engaged in the call-and-response chant, drowning out Sprowls voice on the speaker system as he tried to talk about decorum.

But Republicans could hear him enough, and when he called for a vote, the map easily passed, and the Republican majority erupted in loud applause, drowning out McCurdy and Nixon.

The speaker then took up legislation aimed at changing Disney’s special self-governing statute. Nixon and McCurdy kept chanting while Republicans voted again, and won, applauding once again, and the session came to a close.

Republicans in the Legislature previously passed two different maps that secured Republicans a slight political advantage while preserving a most of the current 5th Congressional District, a Black-held seat with a politically powerful number of Black voters. The lawmakers’ maps were an effort to comply with the state’s anti-gerrymandering constitutional amendments, which bar favoring one party or another and denying minority representation.

But DeSantis said the congressional seat in northern Florida is a racial gerrymander that violates the U.S. Constitution’s 14th Amendment and vetoed the plans, going on to call this week’s special session to pass another map. His office proposed one that creates four new Republican seats while eliminating three Democratic seats, including the current 5th district.

GOP legislators, with little incentive to continue fighting with their popular governor, advanced the governor’s map rapidly this week.

During debate on Thursday morning, Democrats lambasted the plan for defying state and federal law.

“Our job is to pass something that complies with the Florida constitution, including those Fair Districts provisions, and with the federal Voting Rights Act,” mentioned state Rep. Joseph Geller, a Democrat who represents elements of Broward and Miami-Dade counties. “Our job is to comply with the law as it exists and this map plainly does not do that.”

State Rep. Randy Fine, a Republican representing parts of Brevard County, argued that his party hadn’t caved to the governor because they had initially passed plans he opposed.

“We are usually not senseless automatons. We do not do that as a result of we have been bullied. We do that as a result of we expect it’s proper,” he said. “Today, we pass maps that are constitutional, and they are going to be litigated, and we are going to study whether or not the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution reigns supreme over the Florida state structure. That is the dialogue at hand.”

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