Home News Texas Abbott supports voucher program for Texas students to attend private, charter schools

Abbott supports voucher program for Texas students to attend private, charter schools

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on Monday evening advocated for a voucher program that will enable students and oldsters to use authorities funds to attend non-public or charter schools as a substitute of their assigned public schools.

Abbott mentioned his help for faculty alternative was to assist uphold a convention of “empowering parents” that features his insurance policies of banning masks mandates on campus and banning “critical race theory” in Texas schools, the San Antonio Express-News reported. He additionally mentioned public schools would stay absolutely funded all through the voucher program.

“Nothing is more critical to the development and success of our children than parents,” the governor mentioned at a rally in San Antonio. “If you like the public school your child is attending, it will be fully funded.”

Governor Greg Abbott signs a cardboard that refers to his Parental Bill of Rights at...

Unions and public faculty advocates all through the state have beforehand opposed such voucher applications as a result of they consider the insurance policies weaken the general public faculty system. Private schools can be possible supporters, the Express-News reported.

The Texas School Alliance mentioned in a ready assertion that the proposed program is a “tuition break” for the rich and that the cash that’s meant for public schools would hurt greater than 5 million Texas students.

“You can’t fully fund public schools and address the worst teacher shortage in Texas history by siphoning off public dollars to private schools,” the group mentioned in a press release. “The math doesn’t work.”

In January, Abbott debuted a “Parental Bill of Rights,” which mirrors a nationwide conservative push over how race and sexuality are addressed in schools.

Abbott mentioned he plans to amend the Texas Constitution to reinforce that oldsters are the “main decision-makers in all matters” involving their youngsters and develop households’ entry to course curriculum so all lesson supplies can be found on-line.

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