Home News Florida 5/28/2023: Canada’s Unmarked Graves; Sharswood

5/28/2023: Canada’s Unmarked Graves; Sharswood

5/28/2023: Canada’s Unmarked Graves; Sharswood


On twenty eighth May 2023, CBS News showcased a poignant characteristic titled “Canada’s Unmarked Graves” that delved into the darkish legacy of Canada’s residential colleges. This heart-rending phase touched upon the harrowing stories of Indigenous youngsters who had been forcibly taken from their households and despatched to those colleges, the place they ceaselessly continued critical abuse, overlook, and cultural assimilation.

The characteristic additionally highlighted the stunning discovery of unmarked graves at many of those former residential college websites, which has sparked national mourning and requires duty. The unmarked graves constitute the bodily stays of numerous Indigenous youngsters who died at those colleges, ceaselessly because of illness, malnutrition, and institutionalized violence.

In addition to the protection of the residential college machine, the CBS News phase additionally showcased every other emotionally charged tale of Sharswood, a former plantation the place enslaved other folks as soon as suffered and toiled. The characteristic detailed the efforts of a community-led initiative to reclaim this web page as an area the place Black historical past and resilience may also be venerated and celebrated.

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