Home News Oklahoma 22 dead women, no names: Interpol seeks clues on cold cases

22 dead women, no names: Interpol seeks clues on cold cases

22 dead women, no names: Interpol seeks clues on cold cases

PARIS — The 22 ladies most commonly met violent deaths. Their our bodies, some dismembered, have been present in Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands over a span of 43 years — the latest in 2019. Police say some confirmed indicators of abuse or hunger.

But who they have been is unknown, irritating detectives’ hunts for his or her killers.

Police hope that can alternate with the release Wednesday of (*22*) Identify Me. The global attraction with Interpol is looking for public lend a hand to position names to the ladies. Such a step forward would, at a minimal, permit police to no longer have to spot the sufferers via their distinguishing options or attire — “the woman with the flower tattoo,” “the woman with the artificial nails” — or places the place their stays have been came upon.

The oldest of the cold cases, “The girl in the parking lot,” dates again to 1976. Her frame was once discovered alongside the A12 freeway within the Netherlands. She is assumed to were between 13 and two decades previous when she died. Interpol, the global police liaison group based totally in Lyon, France, allotted black-and-white facial reconstructions of one of the vital sufferers. Hers confirmed a tender lady with lengthy, darkish hair and vivid eyes.

In a remark that quoted Dutch, German and Belgian police, Interpol stated one of the vital ladies are believed to have come from Eastern Europe and that their our bodies have been in all probability left in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany to confound investigations.

“Most of the 22 sufferers died violently, and a few have been additionally abused or starved ahead of they died,” Dutch police said.

Police hope that learning their names might also provide evidence about possible perpetrators. It might also allow them to establish whether any of the cases are linked.

“In similar investigations, establishing the victim’s identity ultimately has led to the arrest of a suspect,” stated Anja Allendorf of the German police.

Interpol is making information about each and every case public on its website online, at www.interpol.int/IM. As smartly as facial reconstructions of one of the vital ladies, it additionally comprises photographs of bijou and different pieces discovered with their stays, and make contact with bureaucracy for individuals who could have any information concerning the cases.

Susan Hitchin, who coordinates Interpol’s DNA unit, stated figuring out the ladies may lend a hand deliver closure to their members of the family.

“It’s horrendous to head a majority of these years with no need any news, no longer realizing what is came about. And on the other hand dreadful it can be to get that affirmation that their liked one has died, it is a part of crucial procedure in an effort to grieve and to transport ahead,” she said in a phone interview.

“Hopefully a member of the public will able to bring some new elements that the police can use that will ultimately provide the identity to these victims and ideally help lead to the perpetrator, if there is one.”

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