Home News Texas 2024 Republican Presidential Election Candidates: Ryan Binkley

2024 Republican Presidential Election Candidates: Ryan Binkley

2024 Republican Presidential Election Candidates: Ryan Binkley


A North Texas CEO and pastor named Ryan Binkley, who’s a Republican, introduced his bid for the 2024 presidential election at a rally that happened on the University of Texas at Dallas in Richardson on Sunday. Binkley is each the CEO of Generational Group, an funding financial institution, and the pastor/founding father of Create Church in Richardson.

On Sunday, Binkley said, “I am not in this to just fight wokeism. I am not looking for another job. I am not looking for name recognition. I am carrying a message in my heart from God that we better wake up and understand the true problems that we face.”

Binkley’s marketing campaign is becoming a member of a rising box of Republican applicants who need to problem President Joe Biden within the 2024 presidential election. Other Republican applicants come with former President Donald Trump, Nikki Haley, Larry Elder, Asa Hutchinson, Perry Johnson, and Vivek Ramaswamy.

Binkley’s marketing campaign website online lists “The Way to Freedom” as his marketing campaign slogan and descriptions a plan together with his objectives and perspectives at the nation’s debt, healthcare, his stance as “proudly pro-life,” and the border.

Binkley’s marketing campaign officers have said that he plans to move to Iowa, which can hang the primary Republican number one race in February of subsequent 12 months.


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