Home News Texas 13 dead in school shooting in Russia

13 dead in school shooting in Russia

13 dead in school shooting in Russia


Officials stated the gunman shot himself after the assault. He was not instantly recognized.

MOSCOW, Russia — A gunman opened fireplace in a school in central Russia Monday, killing 13 folks, together with seven kids, and wounding 21 others.

Russia’s Investigative Committee stated the shooting happened in School No. 88 in Izhevsk, a metropolis about 960 kilometers (600 miles) east of Moscow in the Udmurtia area. It recognized the wounded as 14 kids and 7 adults.

The governor of Udmurtia, Alexander Brechalov, stated in a video assertion that the gunman shot himself.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov described the shooting as “a terrorist act” and stated that President Vladimir Putin has given all the mandatory orders to the related authorities.

“President Putin deeply mourns deaths of people and children in the school, where a terrorist act took place,” Peskov instructed reporters Monday.

The school educates kids between grades 1 and 11. It has been evacuated and the world round it has been cordoned off, the governor stated.

The Investigative Committee recognized the gunman as 34-year-old Artyom Kazantsev, a graduate of the identical school. It stated in an announcement that Kazantsev wore a black t-shirt bearing “Nazi symbols.” No particulars about his motives have been launched.

Russia’s National Guard stated Kazantsev used two non-lethal handguns tailored to fireside actual bullets.

A felony probe into the incident has been launched on expenses of a number of homicide and unlawful possession of firearms.

Izhevsk, a metropolis of 640,000, is situated west of the Ural mountains in central Russia.


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